Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force Holds Webinar to Look at Health Disparities

Posted November, 5 2014 by Amanda

Guest post by Bob Cohen, Policy Director at Citizen Action New York and Public Policy and Education Fund New York has taken a number of positive steps to address health disparities through the NY State of Health Marketplace, but we still have work to do to provide for completely equitable health outcomes in our state. […]

Who got covered thanks to the ACA?

Posted November, 3 2014 by Amanda

Last week, the NY Times’ The Upshot featured an interactive look at new coverage data from Enroll America and data firm Civic Analytics. According to the data, roughly 10 million people gained coverage this year as a result of the Affordable Care Act. What’s exciting about the data is that it provides a much closer […]

A little (messaging) help from our friends

Posted October, 24 2014 by Amanda

The remaining uninsured have lingering concerns about health insurance affordability, and many are  unaware of their state’s Marketplace and upcoming opportunities to enroll. That’s according to a new Robert Wood Johnson Foundation sponsored study about barriers and motivations of the uninsured to enrolling in health insurance during the ACA’s second enrollment period.  The study, conducted […]