Governor Cuomo released his proposed 2014-2015 Executive Budget yesterday afternoon. After some quick analysis, we found at least three exciting provisions for health care consumers: Basic Health Program: We were thrilled to find that the Budget includes a Basic Health Program, one of HCFANY’s top priorities over the last several years. This program is an option […]
Left: Adora Campis (red hat) with parade participants at the annual Three King’s Day parade in Harlem; Right: Adora and Maryanne Tomazic of Raising Women’s Voices – NY at HCFANY’s Annual Meeting Thursday, January 9. Guest post: Lois Uttley, Director, MergerWatch Project/Raising Women’s Voices-NY Adora Campis is a part-time bilingual (English and Spanish) outreach worker […]
Earlier today, we posted about the recent enrollment reports released by the federal government and our own NY State of Health. HCFANY released a full statement about New York’s report, commending the NY State of Health for strong progress enrolling hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, and urging the State to adopt additional measures to […]
The data is in! Late yesterday afternoon, the federal government released a new enrollment report showing that 2.2 million people signed up for health insurance on the federal or state Marketplaces between October and the end of December. But, the really exciting thing about the new report is the demographics information – age, gender, income, and […]