We won! Now what’s it all mean?

Posted June, 29 2012 by arianne

Yesterday, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling, hundreds of New Yorkers celebrated in the streets at rallies in New York City, Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Cortland and Syracuse. But now it’s the morning after, many of us are wondering what’s it all mean.  So here’s the low down for New Yorkers and New York […]


Posted June, 28 2012 by arianne

It’s true! The decision was just handed down just a little bit ago.  The verdict? The entire law is upheld – including the individual mandate! It looks like there will only be one small change to the Medicaid expansion.  The ACA had originally stated that states could expand Medicaid eligibility to people up to 133% […]

New location for NYC SCOTUS Rally!

Posted June, 27 2012 by arianne

Due to a last-minute change of plans (and a snafu with the permits) the location of HCFANY’s New York City rally to respond to the forthcoming Supreme Court ruling has been changed to Foley Square in lower Manhattan.  All other locations remain the same. It’s getting close! If you havent already, please be sure to […]

Yes, but what about ME?

Posted June, 25 2012 by arianne

Well, since the Supreme Court ruling on the ACA wasn’t released today, we can pretty much assume that it will come out this Thursday.  But, in the meantime, a lot of folks have been asking what the impact of all this Supreme Court business will have on New York. Lucky for us, our good friends at the […]