ACTION ALERT: Sounds like someone needs some encouragement!

Posted March, 16 2012 by arianne

As you all know, our State Senate is failing big time at responding to New York’s need for a health insurance Exchange. Up until now, they’ve been the only ones flip-flopping on this issue. Governor Cuomo, on the other hand, has been a champion from the get go on the push to get a health insurance […]

The grass is always greener…sometimes even in New Jersey.

Posted March, 15 2012 by arianne

They say you should love thy neighbor but that you shouldn’t covet thy neighbor’s wife – but what about coveting thy neighbor’s State Senate? New Jersey’s legislature was set to vote today on a bill authorizing a health insurance exchange for that state (New Jersey Health Benefit Exchange Act (S-1319/A-2171)).  And, from what this blogger hears, the bill is actually pretty […]

And, now a word from the Department of “Thanks But NO THANKS”!

Posted March, 12 2012 by arianne

In a continuation of the Senate’s new tone-deaf campaign to ignore the health insurance needs New York’s small businesses and families, Senate Insurance Chair Seward, dropped a bill  today that calls for a study of the studies about whether New York ought to set up a Health Insurance Exchange. Senator Seward apparently lost the memorandum […]

Who ya gonna call? Myth-busters!

Posted March, 9 2012 by arianne

On February 27, 2012, Senate Majority Leader Skelos (R, Long Island) wrote a letter to Minority Leader Sampson (D, Brooklyn) claiming that Senate Republicans believe it would be “fiscally irresponsible and a disservice to New York taxpayers” to pass the Exchange bill.  As my teenage nephew would say:  “What a whopper!” As HCFANY outlines in […]