The voters have spoken!

Posted March, 7 2012 by arianne

The AARP today released a statewide poll that found that voters aged 30-64 strongly support the establishment of a NYS Health Insurance Exchange through this year’s State budget.  Specifically, they found that: 3 in 5 registered voters in NY age 30-64 support the governor’s plan to create a health insurance exchange. Nearly 2 in 3 respondents indicated that it should be a top or high […]

HCFANY Action Alert: Join us for one of two calls this week!

Posted March, 5 2012 by arianne

Ok folks – it’s make or break time here on New York’s health insurance exchange! The Exchange bill is in New York’s proposed Executive Budget, but there are no guarantees that the State Senate will decide to support New York’s struggling working families and small businesses and pass the bill this time around. So, us […]

So…why should I think that health reform is bad?

Posted March, 1 2012 by arianne

A few weeks ago I noted that the healthcare stories that make it into the media are always in favor of health reform.  But, it turns out I was wrong! Perhaps someone at the conservative think-tank Heritage Foundation read my post, because they have now recently come out with their own series of anti-“Obamacare” consumer […]

Say it ain’t so!

Posted February, 28 2012 by arianne

Yesterday, the NYS Senate released a letter written by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R) responding to Senate Minority Leader John Sampson’s (D) request that the Senate bring health insurance exchange legislation on to the floor. Last year, New York’s exchange bill passed in the House, but never came to a vote in the Senate.  At the time, Skelos had said […]