New York and the Affordable Care Act: What Do We Have to Lose?

Posted November, 10 2020 by Amanda Dunker

 The Supreme Court is again hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Some legal scholars believe the most likely outcome is that the individual mandate is removed while the rest of the law stays in place. That would have no meaningful impact on health coverage in New York.  (See our new […]

Medicare and COVID-19

Posted November, 9 2020 by Amanda Dunker

Policymakers in New York are doing everything they can to protect New Yorkers from medical debt because of the coronavirus public health emergency. New Yorkers are enrolled in so many different types of health insurance that it can be hard to know when a COVID-19 protection applies to you. To help, HCFANY and the Medicare […]

Census Data Shows Big Coverage Gaps for New York’s American Indian Population

Posted October, 22 2020 by Amanda Dunker

2019 Census data shows that 13.9 percent of people who identified as American Indian or Alaska Natives are uninsured in New York, compared to just 5.2 percent for the general population. Only eight counties in New York produced enough data to create good estimates, but even if we can’t see it it’s likely that American […]

New York Protected Coverage Gains During 2019

Posted September, 18 2020 by Amanda Dunker

New York State’s uninsured rate hit an all-time low of 5.2 percent in 2019, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau. New York has made continual coverage gains since 2010, when 11.9 percent of New Yorkers were uninsured. Approximately 68 percent of covered New Yorkers had private plans, while 40 percent had some […]