Health Care on list of OWS demands

Posted October, 19 2011 by arianne

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCZFDlEkHMo] HCFANY reps were down at Zuccotti Park last week talking to fellow 99%-ers about what this country really needs.  Here’s a short clip on what some folks had to say about health care. Special thanks to Raising Women’s Voices staffer Maryanne Tomazic for compiling this video!    

Medical trend and morbidity and risk? Oh my!

Posted October, 18 2011 by arianne

The buzz continues! There is a decision coming as early as next week from the Department of Financial Services (DOFS) on whether or not to publicly release insurance plan memos with info on why they think they need to raise people’s premiums again this year. The Daily News published a lead editorial on the matter yesterday, making the […]

Some secrets need to be told.

Posted October, 14 2011 by arianne

Advocacy groups around the state are taking initiative to show their support for the prior approval process and the public release of health insurer rate increase justification memos. HCFANY has been working to make this information available on the grounds that consumers have a right to know exactly why they’re being asked to pay so […]

Numbers talk: Where does YOUR health insurer rank?

Posted October, 13 2011 by arianne

The fine folks at the NYS Department of Financial Services (DOFS) have issued their annual consumer guide to health insurers. The guide features information on all of the major health insurers in the state and ranks them each based on things like quality of care and consumer complaints. Again, this guide only includes info on health […]