HHS Solicits feedback on proposed insurance Exchange regs

Posted September, 22 2011 by arianne

Yesterday the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) held one of several “listening sessions” in the city to gather general verbal feedback on the proposed regulations for the forthcoming health insurance Exchanges. In attendance were consumer advocates (including 8 HCFANY member orgs) and insurance industry representatives from across the northeast (HHS regions I, II and […]

New report looks at the role of consumer assistance programs under the ACA

Posted September, 20 2011 by arianne

A new report released by the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth) looks at the different roles laid out for Navigators and Consumer Assistance Programs (CAPs) under the ACA, and how they can work together to maximize consumer assistance efforts and avoid duplication. As many of you already know, the ACA granted money to the states […]

Another year, another 900,000 uninsured…

Posted September, 19 2011 by arianne

Doom. Gloom. That is what the U.S. Census was broadcasting last week.  Newly released numbers revealed that the ranks of uninsured grew by 900,000 in the past year to top out at 49 million.  What’s more, the median income fell 2% to $49,400 and the official poverty rate went up to 43.6 million – the highest it’s been in the last 52 years […]

HHS boosts patient rights for same-sex partners

Posted September, 9 2011 by arianne

Earlier this week, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced new guidance on existing rules that protect a patient’s right to choose their own visitors during a hospital stay, including same-sex domestic partners.  This guidance also supports enforcement of a patient’s right to designate the person of their choice to make medical decisions on […]