A deal has been struck

Posted June, 23 2011 by arianne

New York State leaders have concluded negotiations and settled on a bill to establish the New York Health Benefit Exchange. The bill authorizes one statewide Exchange that would be governed by a board of directors, consisting of 9 state officers or employees, with appropriate powers to implement key components of the federal law in New York State. […]

Exchange bill shenanigans are not going unnoticed

Posted June, 17 2011 by arianne

Neither the Senate’s or the Governor’s bills contain clear conflict of interest provisions, which can create serious problems for the Exchange if either is adopted as is.  The Exchange’s governing board will be in charge of heavy decisions on how health plans, providers, agents and brokers will interact with the Exchange.  Many of these decisions will determine the level of […]

News from the front!

Posted June, 16 2011 by arianne

“Health insurance foxes strategizing at the assembly hen house on how to kill the Govs pro consumer health exchange bill.” –  via jesswisneski @twitter Those of you not at the capital today fighting for a consumer and small business-friendly insurance exchange bill will be interested to know what’s going on up there.  Reports are coming in […]

Gov.'s bill is better – now let's fix it up and PASS it!

Posted June, 15 2011 by arianne

After looking over both versions of Exchange legislation, the Senate’s and the Governor’s, it is clear that the Gov.’s bill is the way to go.  However, it’s not perfect. The ship is sailing on this legislative session, and if New York is going to qualify for increased federal funding, and be ready to have an […]