ACTION ALERT: Call Congress today and tell them to vote NO on the Ryan 2012 House Budget Proposal

Posted April, 13 2011 by arianne

Later this week, the U.S. House of Representative is scheduled to vote on its 2012 House Budget proposal, introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis) last week.  The Republican majority’s proposal will increase costs and cut off health care to millions of Americans by:  Repealing the Affordable Care Act and defunding implementation efforts in the states. Turning Medicaid funding […]

House budget resolution hangs seniors out to dry

Posted April, 7 2011 by arianne

Advocates are still reeling over the House budget resolution introduced by Representative Ryan earlier this week.   The House proposes to cut $1.43 trillion from Medicare and Medicaid and puts Medicare into the hands of the private insurance industry – leaving many seniors and people with disabilities without a financial safety net.  Those who require long term care will inevitably suffer the most […]

The Path to Prosperity…for whom?

Posted April, 6 2011 by arianne

House Republicans yesterday unveiled their version of the 2012 Budget Plan, titled, “The Path to Prosperity.”  Penned and touted largely by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the plan seeks to cut $4.3 trillion in federal spending over the next decade.  Now, this is no small peanuts.  What exactly are they proposing to cut?  Well, the bulk of it – […]

See the elephant, touch the elephant.

Posted April, 5 2011 by arianne

Last week the the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)released a comprehensive county-by-county survey of overall health in the United States.  And just what did they find? Well, their study confirms one thing – that being poor is bad for your health! The counties are ranked by a number of health factors, including […]