Historic High of 98 Percent of New York’s Children Have Health Coverage

Posted July, 31 2017 by Taylor Frazier

According to an analysis from the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Center for Children and Families and the American Academy of Pediatrics, a historic high of 98 percent of children in New York have health insurance. This is thanks in large part to New York’s progressive policies on Medicaid, Child Health Plus (CHP), and the […]

Congratulations and Keep It Up! National Day of Action Saturday, July 29

Posted July, 28 2017 by Taylor Frazier

Last night, Senate Republicans failed in their last ditch effort to repeal the ACA and dismantle Medicaid. A huge thank you to our members, partners, and friends for all of your hard work and activism over the last nine months. Your resistance is the reason they keep failing. Unfortunately, the fight is not over. The President […]

New York Finalizes Regulations to Protect Women’s Health in the Face of Federal Threats

Posted July, 27 2017 by Taylor Frazier

Guest blog by Ann Danforth, Progressive States Advocacy and Policy Manager at Raising Women’s Voices-NY. It’s no secret that since day one, the current administration and the Republican-led Congress have been dead set on chipping away at the gains we’ve made to women’s health under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Republicans have pushed forward a […]

Georgetown Center for Children and Families Conference 2017 Recap

Posted July, 24 2017 by Taylor Frazier

Last week, children’s health advocates from across the country came together in Washington, DC for the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families Annual Conference. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for national and state advocates to share their experiences and learn from one another, which is especially important in the face […]