New Study Shows Inpatient Emergency Department Admissions May Lead to Surprise Bills

Posted December, 19 2016 by Taylor Frazier

Late last week, a Health Affairs article described a new study on “surprise” medical bills. In New York State, “surprise bills” are bills from an out-of-network provider or out-of-network lab that a patient did not choose. These surprise out-of-network bills can lead to catastrophic medical debt and anxiety for consumers. The study found that 20 […]

Speak Out! Tell Congress What Your Health Care Means to You

Posted December, 16 2016 by Taylor Frazier

Members of Congress have been discussing a repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which has expanded coverage and consumer protections to millions of New Yorkers. Join your neighbors across the state for a “National Day of Health Care Speak-Outs” on Tuesday, December 20 and tell your representatives in Congress what your health […]

Deadline Extended – You Can Still Get Health Insurance!

Posted December, 16 2016 by Amanda Dunker

You now have until the end of the day tomorrow, December 17, to sign up for coverage that will start on January 1 (the original deadline was yesterday). All the other information in our last enrollment post still stands. Don’t forget about the Navigators if you want help! For example, a lot of people don’t think they […]

What Does the ACA Mean to You?

Posted December, 8 2016 by Amanda Dunker

While Congress was debating and drafting the ACA, HCFANY gathered stories about the hardships experienced by New Yorkers with no coverage at all or coverage that failed when it was most needed. Advocates in other states did the same, and those stories helped educate decision-makers about the need for health care reform. We need to […]