Health reform law gets approval from Main Street

Posted June, 14 2012 by arianne

With the Supreme Court ruling on the ACA now just around the corner, the Small Business Majority has released the results of a new poll that asked New York’s small business owners just what they think about all of this. They found that the majority of small business owners in New York – 59% – want […]

For the sports fan and/or policy nerd in all of us

Posted June, 12 2012 by arianne

Just in time for the home strech of the impending Supreme Court  decision on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there’s a new toy for us to play with! Mike Leavitt of Leavitt Partners (yes, the same former Governor of Utah, HHS secretary, and recent addition to Mitt Romney’s transition team) has put together a nifty […]

What the what?

Posted June, 8 2012 by arianne

Still having trouble figuring out what people are talking about when they mention a health insurance exchange? Well, back in January, I mentioned a project that NY State policymakers were working on with 9 other states called UX2014 – or “User Experience 2014” – to build a prototype for a health insurance exchange (or, at least the […]

Don't deny us!

Posted June, 4 2012 by arianne

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pcSedEOXmA&w=560&h=315] The Colorado Consumer Health Initiative (kind of like the HCFANY of Colorodo) – one of the masterminds behind the #ThanksObamacare campaign – has put out an amazing video on the effect that the upcoming Supreme Court ruling will have on the millions of Americans who stand to benefit, or are already benefitting, from the Affordable Care Act. […]