The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

Posted May, 10 2012 by arianne

Guest Blogger, Maryanne Tomazic, Field Coordinator, Raising Women’s Voices This weekend is Mother’s Day. My inbox is full of e-mails from various fruit, flower, and chocolate companies reminding me to send a gift to my mother. Unfortunately, my mom doesn’t like those traditional gifts. I once bought her a box of pears – to which she […]

Let health reform buy you lunch!

Posted May, 7 2012 by arianne

Or dinner!  Or drinks!  Or whatever else it is that you’d like! See, as part of the ACA, insurers who offer health coverage to individuals and small businesses must spend at least 80% of what their enrollees pay in premiums on health care claims and quality improvement activities (in NY, state law actually requires this to be […]

HCFANY Health Reform Update Webinar: Take 2

Posted May, 4 2012 by arianne

Well, today’s health reform update webinar was a success! Perhaps too successful – we had so many people sign up that the system went over capacity and many were not able to join in. To compensate, HCFANY will be hosting a 2nd webinar presentation for folks who were not able to make it into today’s.  […]

Community Health Centers get a boost from the ACA

Posted May, 4 2012 by arianne

Several community health centers in New York are now the proud recipients of a cool $42 million, courtesy of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  These awards are split into two categories, the first to help existing health centers with long-term projects to expand their facilities.  The second to help health centers with pressing facility and […]