NEWSFLASH: Snoozing may lead to losing

Posted October, 5 2011 by arianne

The good folks at Crain’s Health Pulse picked up on an interesting story this morning.  As you all know, New York hasn’t passed its Exchange bill yet because the State Senate chose not to vote on it during the last session and has not yet felt the need to revisit it. Well, turns out that Rhode Island had […]

NY's Statewide Consumer Assistance Program wants YOU!

Posted October, 4 2011 by arianne

The Community Service Society of New York (CSS) is now accepting proposals to join the Community Health Advocates (CHA) network and provide consumer assistance and education about health care and coverage.  CHA is New York’s statewide consumer assistance program created under the ACA. CHA will give out grants to up to six new organizations located in […]

More Americans risking health to balance the family budget

Posted September, 30 2011 by arianne

As reported in Bloomberg Businessweek earlier this week, a recent Consumer Reports survey found that more folks aren’t filling their prescriptions, are taking less medicine than prescribed, or skipping doctor recommended tests in order to save money.  Almost half of those surveyed reported having to do at least one of these, up from 39% in last year’s survey. […]

FE? REACH-Out and help kids renew their health insurance!

Posted September, 29 2011 by arianne

Here is a note of interest for any community-based facilitated enrollment agencies out there.  The Community Service Society has issued an RFP for a new project titled the Retention and Enrollment Assistance through Community and Healthcare Outreach (REACH-Out) Project (say that three times fast).  The goal of the REACH-Out project is to increase statewide retention […]