Posted September, 28 2011 by arianne
The front page of the NY Times this morning mentions HCFANY in its profile of the plight of New Yorkers getting hit below the belt with double-digit health insurance premium rate increases during a continuously depressed job market. Many of you will remember that HCFANY has been raising a stink on this matter for some time now, and recently […]
Posted September, 27 2011 by arianne
Paid sick days. They aren’t just a nice thing your employer does for you. They are a public health precaution! The coalition Family Values @ Work has produced a new video that plays on the new flu epidemic movie called “Contagion.” Basically, they interview folks who work in the service industry – people who you and I and everyone else […]
Posted September, 22 2011 by arianne
Yesterday the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) held one of several “listening sessions” in the city to gather general verbal feedback on the proposed regulations for the forthcoming health insurance Exchanges. In attendance were consumer advocates (including 8 HCFANY member orgs) and insurance industry representatives from across the northeast (HHS regions I, II and […]
Posted September, 20 2011 by arianne
A new report released by the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth) looks at the different roles laid out for Navigators and Consumer Assistance Programs (CAPs) under the ACA, and how they can work together to maximize consumer assistance efforts and avoid duplication. As many of you already know, the ACA granted money to the states […]