More folks fed up with health insurance rate abuses

Posted September, 2 2011 by arianne

A new ACA rule went into effect yesterday requiring insurance plans in all states to post explanations for rate hikes over 10% on their website and submit them to state and federal regulators. Here in New York, insurance companies are already required to do this.  Further, the NY State Department of Insurance can deny any proposed rate hikes that it feels […]

The benefits of health reform may be hiding in plain sight

Posted August, 29 2011 by arianne

This month’s latest health tracking poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that many of those set to reap the greatest benefits from the new health reform law still don’t know about it.  The poll found that roughly half of currently uninsured folks were not aware that the Affordable Care Act will provide subsidies to people with […]

The plot thickens…

Posted August, 22 2011 by arianne

While many of us have been busy sunning ourselves through our SPF 70 and catching up on old “Mad Men” episodes on our soon-to-be overpriced Netflix accounts, the federal government has been hard at work furiously churning out new sets of proposed regulations for the Affordable Care Act. New on this month’s reading list are the proposed […]