There Are Still Huge Disparities in Federal Provider Relief Funding

Posted August, 12 2020 by Amanda Dunker

The Provider Relief Fund created by the Coronoavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is the biggest source of support for healthcare providers caring for COVID-19 patients. Yet, CARES Act disbursements vary enormously across New York, with little relationship to COVID-19’s burden. Providers in Putnam County, which has had around 1,400 confirmed COVID-19 cases, […]

Emergency Briefing and Rally for the HEROES Act

Posted August, 4 2020 by Amanda Dunker

Learn what’s in the HEROES Act from New York’s Congressional leaders and advocates, and find out what you can do get it enacted! The HEROES Act, which already passed the House, would provide much needed pandemic relief and protect the programs, like Medicaid, that are helping people get by during the crisis. Read more here, […]

New York’s Non-Profit Hospitals Sued 40,000 People from 2015-2019

Posted July, 20 2020 by Amanda Dunker

Between 2015 and 2019, New York’s hospitals sued 40,000 New Yorkers who could not pay their medical bills. Hospitals were unable to file new lawsuits against patients for a couple of months during the pandemic. However, a quick look at just the most litigious hospitals shows over 500 cases filed since courts starting accepting civil […]

Rate Review Comments are Due Soon – Check Out Ours!

Posted June, 25 2020 by Amanda Dunker

Each year, the Department of Financial Services reviews applications from insurers in the individual, small group, and Medicare Advantage markets and decides whether rates should go up, down, or stay the same. This year, insurers are asking for an average increase of 11.7% in the individual market, which is too much for consumers to manage […]