Health reform makes for healthier women

Posted March, 24 2011 by arianne

To highlight all that health reform has done to improve the lives of girls and women in New York, today’s post comes from guest blogger Lois Uttley of Raising Women’s Voices. Women were among the strongest supporters of health reform in the campaign that led up to President Obama’s signing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) […]

One year later, a new hope for affordable care

Posted March, 23 2011 by arianne

(Photo courtesy of Life Magazine) Today marks the one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and New Yorkers have much to celebrate!  For many, the law has already begun to lower health care costs and bring new benefits. For example, health insurance plans are no longer allowed to place lifetime limits on health benefits.  This […]

Helping seniors stay healthy, step by step

Posted March, 22 2011 by arianne

In the second day in our week-long anniversary celebration of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), we now turn our attention to seniors. The ACA has taken great strides to keep our seniors healthy and to bring them greater peace of mind when it comes to filling their prescriptions. Thanks to the ACA, New York’s over 2.8 million Medicare […]

Small businesses come out on top

Posted March, 21 2011 by arianne

Today marks the first day of the week-long celebration taking place around the nation to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  To help get things rolling, HCFANY will be spotlighting a different aspect of the ACA each day this week, and how it is helping New Yorkers.  Today’s topic, if you didn’t guess it […]