Federal Health Care on the Move

Posted January, 28 2009 by arianne

The Senate rejected two proposed amendments to the SCHIP reauthorization legislation yesterday, thwarting GOP efforts to keep children of legal immigrants off of public health insurance.  Rather than the 5-year waiting period under the current law, the amendment would have required states to have 95% of eligible children enrolled – a nearly impossible task –  before children […]

Balance Billing Breaks the Bank

Posted January, 21 2009 by arianne

Surprise health bills are not uncommon for anyone who has ever experienced a health emergency, and the amounts charged for these services – particularly if they were rendered outside of the patient’s health insurance network – can be enough to send some spiraling into bankruptcy.  Today’s Crain’s Health Pulse Extra highlights what health care providers […]

Courageous Coverage Proposals for Unemployed in House Stimulous Package

Posted January, 16 2009 by arianne

Manatt Health Solutions found three little-noticed, but excellent, health coverage provisions in the US House of Representatives stimulus bill. Read it here.  A full summary of the House Stimulus proposal can be viewed here The first would provide $30 billion to pay a 65% subsidy for the first 12 months of COBRA for workers who lost their jobs […]

NY Health Foundation Releases Columbia U Report Comparing State Health Reform Proposals

Posted January, 16 2009 by arianne

A report released today by the New York State Health Foundation is the first to compare proposals on the basis of: the number of people who would gain coverage; drop private coverage in favor of public options; and how each plan would increase statewide health care spending–including the cost to State government to finance expansions. […]