CSS Calls for Economic Crisis Health Coverage

Posted October, 17 2008 by arianne

In a letter to Gov. David Paterson, CSS’s President, David Jones, urged the State to respond to these economically difficult times by providing vital health coverage for New York’s displaced workers.  Arguing that the current economy is as harsh as what New York faced in 2001, Jones specifically asked the State to radically streamline the […]

Vote '08: The Rising Importance of Health Care

Posted October, 16 2008 by arianne

The latest Kaiser Family Foundation Tracking Poll: Election 08 shows that health care has increased in importance to independent voters. One in four registered, independent voters state that health care is an issue they would “most like to hear candidates talk about.”  In comparison, the importance of health care to Democratic voters has stayed about the same (25%) […]

Health Care Reform is Knocking at Your Door!

Posted October, 10 2008 by arianne

The Health Care For America Now (“HCAN!”)–a national reform effort with a strong grassroots base in New York–is organizing a door-to-door effort to inform voters where their federal representatives stand in the health reform debate. HCAN! wants to recruit volunteers to help with this effort. If you are in an area that needs volunteers please […]

Governor Vetos Two Bad Insurance "Reform" Bills

Posted October, 8 2008 by arianne

HCFANY applauds Governor Paterson’s veto last week of two industry-backed insurance “reform” bills. that would only serve to undermine New York’s continued commitment to high quality health care. The two bills–Senate Bill 8357 (the “young invincibles” bill) and Assembly Bill 395 (the EZ Pass for HealthyNY)–would have favored health insurance products that inadequate benefit packages […]