State Invites Public Comment on Urban Institute's Modeling Instructions

Posted July, 10 2008 by arianne

In March, the state finalized a contract with the Urban Institute (UI) to model out various proposals for health insurace reform in order to provide quantitative analyses on the cost and coverage of various proposals.  The state has recently publicized the instructions given to the UI in order to guide the modeling process, and has opened them […]

HCFANY Urges Gov. Paterson to Veto A.395/S.6385

Posted July, 9 2008 by arianne

HCFANY has sent a letter to Governor Paterson urging him to veto A.395/S6385, which would eliminate the anti-crowd out measures in the Healthy New York Statute. The letter explains HCFANY’s concerns in detail, but briefly, we urge this veto for three reasons: The bill encourages small businesses that do not provide coverage and uninsured individuals to sign up for […]

Health Care for America NOW!

Posted July, 7 2008 by arianne

Tomorrow is the national launch of the Health Care for America Now (HCAN) Campaign. HCAN is a nationwide movement to win the implementation of health care reform that conforms to the Statement of Common Purpose. For the Statement and for more information about this campaign, please see www.healthcareforamericanow.org In coordination with the national launch, member organizations are […]

No Positive Action on Insurance Reform as NY Legislative Session Ends

Posted June, 27 2008 by arianne

As the legislative session closed this week, one out of three health insurance bills passed. The measure that passed (A395) eases enrollment into HealthNY. This State-subsidized insurance program offers a stripped-down benefit package, inferior to most standard employee plans and fails to cover uninsured New Yorkers with pre-exisiting conditions.  The bill eliminates a “crowd-out” provision in […]