The Basic Health Plan sounds like the right choice

Posted February, 1 2013 by arianne

Under the ACA, states are allowed the option of creating a Basic Health Plan (BHP) for low-income adults who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid.  Ordinarily, if these folks don’t have employer-sponsored coverage then come 2014 they will be able to buy insurance through the Exchange with the help of federal tax credits.  But, even with […]

A new year, a new set of challenges

Posted January, 18 2013 by arianne

Kudos to everyone able to make the trek up to Albany yesterday during the depths of a particularly nasty flu season – we actually had a great turnout! Fellow HCFANY-ers and guests got a chance to go over and discuss our advocacy agenda for this yeat, which centers around implementation of consumer-friendly Exchange and strategies to fill in the gaps […]

New York Rising

Posted January, 10 2013 by arianne

Governor Cuomo gave his annual State of the State address yesterday, and we at HCFANY were generally pleased to see the inclusion of the state’s health benefit Exchange in the Governor’s progressive agenda. Much of the speech focused on the state’s economic revitalization, and we believe that a consumer-friendly Exchange will do much to further […]

Prior approval law saves New Yorkers $500 million

Posted January, 7 2013 by arianne

A press release issued by Governor Cuomo’s office yesterday announced that New Yorkers will save over $500 million on health insurance premiums this year thanks to the Department of Financial Services’ (DFS) utilization of the State’s prior approval law.  As you may remember, New York’s 2010 prior approval law allows DFS officials to review insurance […]