Yes, it’s that time of the year again…

Posted July, 25 2012 by arianne

That’s right – its health insurance rate review time! This means that our health insurance plans are now diligently submitting their proposed rate increases to the Department of Financial Services (DFS) for approval.  Some of you may have already received a letter from your health plan letting you know that they plan to “adjust” your […]

We’re saving money on insurance premiums? Is it April Fools Day?

Posted March, 22 2012 by arianne

Nope, it’s the ACA’s birthday.  And the ACA has already brought big savings to New York consumers, with more on the way. As HCFANY blog readers know, New York State re-instated prior approval of health insurance premium increases in 2010, before the ACA passed. But the ACA has provided funding – including a $4.4 million […]

Say it ain’t so!

Posted February, 28 2012 by arianne

Yesterday, the NYS Senate released a letter written by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R) responding to Senate Minority Leader John Sampson’s (D) request that the Senate bring health insurance exchange legislation on to the floor. Last year, New York’s exchange bill passed in the House, but never came to a vote in the Senate.  At the time, Skelos had said […]

Life for NY’s health insurers just got a little more interesting

Posted February, 15 2012 by arianne

It’s getting to be that time of the year again, and we all dread to hear those three little words…”You’re being audited.” [cue scary Psycho knife sound] Thankfully, it’s not consumers who have to worry this time – its our health insurers.  The Department of Financial Services (DOFS) announced today that it will soon start performing random audits […]