Medical trend and morbidity and risk? Oh my!

Posted October, 18 2011 by arianne

The buzz continues! There is a decision coming as early as next week from the Department of Financial Services (DOFS) on whether or not to publicly release insurance plan memos with info on why they think they need to raise people’s premiums again this year. The Daily News published a lead editorial on the matter yesterday, making the […]

Some secrets need to be told.

Posted October, 14 2011 by arianne

Advocacy groups around the state are taking initiative to show their support for the prior approval process and the public release of health insurer rate increase justification memos. HCFANY has been working to make this information available on the grounds that consumers have a right to know exactly why they’re being asked to pay so […]

What we don’t know IS hurting us.

Posted October, 12 2011 by arianne

Your insurance company wants more money from you. Why? Because it said so.  You wouldn’t understand anyways.  Just hand over your wallet and keep your mouth shut and nobody will get hurt. Except, people are getting hurt.  They’re being forced to choose between paying exorbitant increases to their health insurance premiums, or putting food on the table. And for what? So many […]

Out-of-control insurance rate hikes reaching fever pitch in NY

Posted September, 28 2011 by arianne

The front page of the NY Times this morning mentions HCFANY in its profile of the plight of New Yorkers getting hit below the belt with double-digit health insurance premium rate increases during a continuously depressed job market. Many of you will remember that HCFANY has been raising a stink on this matter for some time now, and recently […]