More folks fed up with health insurance rate abuses

Posted September, 2 2011 by arianne

A new ACA rule went into effect yesterday requiring insurance plans in all states to post explanations for rate hikes over 10% on their website and submit them to state and federal regulators. Here in New York, insurance companies are already required to do this.  Further, the NY State Department of Insurance can deny any proposed rate hikes that it feels […]

Premium hikes? Tell the Ins. Dept. what you REALLY think!

Posted August, 11 2011 by arianne

Yes, kids – for many of us it’s that time of year again! Health insurance companies have been furiously sending notices out informing folks that they once again want to raise the cost of health insurance plans.  For some,  this means proposed percentage increases well into the double digits! Thankfully, the recently reinstated “prior approval” process in […]

Holiday greetings, from HCFANY

Posted December, 23 2010 by arianne

What a great year for health reform!    In the spirit of the holiday season, Health Care For All New York would like to take a moment to celebrate our dedicated friends, families, and colleagues who helped make 2010 the year of health reform. With the passage of the federal health reform law, newly implemented programs like the […]