HCFANY Budget Update: What We Won and What We Lost

Posted April, 12 2017 by Taylor Frazier

HCFANY worked hard this year on a series of important priorities during this budget session. Governor Cuomo’s statement on the final enacted budget can be found here. Here is a quick summary of how we did: Full funding for Community Health Advocates (CHA) HCFANY Recommendation: Provide $4.75 million in funding for CHA to help people […]

ACTION ALERT: Health Bill Back From the Dead!

Posted April, 12 2017 by Amanda Dunker

Republicans are working every day to revive the American Health Care Act with all of its harmful effects, and each proposal is worse for consumers than the last.  The original bill would have gutted Medicaid to pay for billions in tax cuts for millionaires and made insurance unaffordable for millions of people. Proposed “improvements” have […]

Get Your Health Data!

Posted April, 7 2017 by Amanda Dunker

It’s a good idea to get copies of your medical records, for a lot of reasons – maybe you moved and are starting over with a new doctor, or maybe you have a big decision to make and want to get a second opinion. So why is it so hard to get them? How can […]

New Repeal and Replacement Proposal Would End Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions and Essential Health Benefits

Posted April, 4 2017 by Taylor Frazier

Late last month, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), which would have devastated the Medicaid program and left millions uninsured, was pulled from the House floor. According to an article in today’s New York Times, the majorities in Congress are discussing a proposal to move forward with the bill. In addition to all of the […]