Big Changes Coming for NY's Medicaid Administration

Posted October, 15 2010 by arianne

The 2010-11 budget included a provision to shift the administration responsibilities of New York’s Medicaid program from the counties to the State.  Now, the State Health Commissioner is required to issue a plan to do so by the end of November. This change could have a major impact on this vital program, particularly in light of the governor’s race.  Whomever […]

NY Puts the Kibosh on Higher Drug Co-pays

Posted October, 5 2010 by arianne

Last Friday night, Governor Paterson signed into law a measure that will help keep down the cost of co-pays for expensive drugs in private insurance plans.  Across the country, many health plans have been moving towards the use of new “specialty tiers” for higher-priced drugs.  These abandon the traditional three-tier $10/$25/$50 co-pay system in favor of […]

Aetna Receives an $850,000 Slap on the Wrist

Posted October, 4 2010 by arianne

New York State Insurance Superintendent James Wrynn announced today that health insurer Aetna has been issued a fine of $850,000 in response to several health insurance violations.  These violations in large part consisted of failures to provide their enrollees with necessary information regarding their rights or the cost of their care, and taking too much time to make decisions on health care claims.  Shame […]

1.6 Million Eligible For Premium Credits in NY

Posted September, 29 2010 by arianne

A new report released this morning by Families USA finds that roughly 1.6 million New Yorkers will  be eligible for premium credits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)starting in 2014.  The vast majority of these will be working families with at least one full-time worker.  These tax credits will come as a relief to both […]