Key Takeaways from New NYS Report on Maternal Mortality

Posted March, 25 2024 by Mia Wagner

The New York State Department of Health (DOH) Maternal Mortality Review Board has released a new report, providing a detailed review of maternal deaths across the state between 2018 and 2020. Here are the findings: Overall, the prevalence of maternal mortality in New York State remains below the national average; however, racial disparities in maternal […]

Action Alert: One-House Budgets Released

Posted March, 13 2024 by Mia Wagner

The One-House Budgets are released! The Senate One-House Budget includes a significant portion of the HCFANY policy agenda, building on the Governor’s proposals in the Executive Budget. We’re still studying what is included in each bill, here’s what we know so far: Good news: the Senate and Assembly One-House Budgets both: Even better, the Senate One-House Budget improves on […]

Testimony on Governor Hochul’s 2024-25 Budget Proposal

Posted January, 24 2024 by Mia Wagner

HCFANY is grateful to have had the opportunity to testify at the 2024 Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Health. Our detailed written comments are linked here. The Executive Budget includes many positive proposals that will help protect consumers from medical debt and enhance their ability to access affordable health coverage, including: In addition to addressing these […]

HCFANY Applauds Governor Hochul for 2024 State of the State Proposals

Posted January, 9 2024 by Mia Wagner

Today, Governor Hochul delivered her 2024 ‘State of the State’ address. HCFANY commends the governor for proposing sweeping protections for consumers and patients across the state. HCFANY advocacy goals are prominently featured among the governor’s proposals, including: Medical Debt HCFANY commends the governor for her continued commitment to protecting the over 700,000 New Yorkers that […]