New York Selected EHB Benchmark – Oxford EPO

Posted October, 4 2012 by arianne

On Monday, October 1, New York State selected the benefits of the State’s largest small group plan, Oxford EPO, as the Essential Health Benefits (EHB) benchmark plan. The state also outlined the coverage areas in which the Oxford plan’s benefits will be supplemented to meet ACA requirements: Pediatric dental/vision coverage – NYS will supplement the […]

Regional Advisory Committees – Cuomo Administration Appears to be Coalescing Around Key Issues Affecting Consumers

Posted September, 26 2012 by arianne

The fifth Exchange Regional Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for this month was held in a packed room in New York City yesterday.  The Administration’s presentation can be found here and you can watch the webcast by visiting the RAC home page. It appears that the Cuomo Administration has consolidated its thinking on key consumer issues.  […]

With a little help from our friends…and family

Posted September, 21 2012 by arianne

“Ask a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate…You may be able to rest better. Your advocate can help make sure you get the correct medicines and treatments,” opens a recent report by New Yorkers for Patient & Family Empowerment and New York Public Interest Research Group, quoting The Joint Commission. The report, […]

Consumers and Industry in Albany weigh in on NY’s Health Benefit Exchange

Posted September, 20 2012 by arianne

Guest Blogger, Bob Cohen,  Esq.; Policy Director, Citizen Action of New York If there’s one thing that’s clear from yesterday’s meeting of the Capital District/Hudson Valley/Northern New York Health Benefit Exchange Regional Advisory Committee (RAC), it’s that the “devil is in the details” when it comes to building a strong pro-consumer health insurance Exchange. The Governor’s […]