Insurance Department Announces Much-Anticipated Public Forums on the Exchange

Posted May, 10 2011 by arianne

Today the State Department of Insurance announced public hearings around the State to solicit feedback about how New York should implement the Health Insurance Exchange. HCFANY members will be going to each of the hearings to weigh in. If you would like to join us, please contact Carrie Tracy at ctracy@cssny.org. The State needs to […]

The missing piece is hiding in plain sight!

Posted May, 5 2011 by arianne

– Shel Silverstein Governor Cuomo announced yesterday plans to take a whirlwind tour around the state to promote his legislative priorities during the last remaining weeks of the session.  Dubbed the “People First Tour,” it is intended to bring the people’s voice into government, and to give the people what they have been asking for.  It will focus […]

Waiting for an Exchange bill.

Posted May, 4 2011 by arianne

New Yorkers are patiently waiting  for the State to act on the federal requirement to establish a health insurance Exchange.  Like other states, New York is eligible to receive federal funding to establish a state-operated Exchange.  This includes an unlimited – yes, you read that correctly – multi-year funding opportunity which could mean a few extra hundred […]

Fewer folks getting health coverage from their employers

Posted April, 28 2011 by arianne

The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) released a new report today which highlights the effects that that the economic recession has had on employee health benefits.  As you may have guessed, it ain’t pretty.  Nationwide, the number of employees getting health insurance from their own employers dropped from 53.2% to 52%, mostly – but not entirely […]