Changes in Medicaid administration begin to take shape

Posted December, 7 2010 by arianne

On Friday, the State Department of Health (SDOH) issued a report on the transition of the administration of New York’s Medicaid program from the local social service districts to the State.  This report is considered to be the first step in developing a plan for State administration and for what needs to happen in order to […]

State Senate flips again…maybe for real this time.

Posted December, 6 2010 by arianne

This past Saturday marked the end of the long-awaited Long Island vote recount between incumbent Craig Johnson (D) and newcomer Jack Martins (R).  The final vote tally resulted in a narrow 451-vote win for Martins and a two-seat Republican majority in the State Senate starting in January. Following the court action, Sen. Craig Johnson announced that […]

HCFANY Honors Troy Oechsner with Consumer Health Care Leadership Award

Posted December, 2 2010 by arianne

Neither snow, nor rain, nor hurricane-force winds, nor gloom of night stayed HCFANY members and fellow stakeholders from attending yesterday’s annual meeting in Albany.   The meeting kicked-off our annual legislative agenda by setting forth the priorities for the coming year, laying out the tasks at hand, and brainstorming strategies for achieving our goals. The highlight […]

Update From the Health Reform Advisory Committee

Posted November, 24 2010 by arianne

With the Thanksgiving holiday just hours away, I know most of you are surely in the midst of preparing for tomorrow’s feeding frenzy.  But, when its time to give yourself a break from your organic, free-range, locavore turkey, be sure to check out what the Governor’s Health Care Reform Advisory Committee has been up to!  The committee met in Albany  for the […]