NY Insurers Must Treat ALL Married Couples Equally

Posted November, 21 2008 by arianne

In a Circular Letter New York State Insurance Superintendent Eric Dinallo stated that same sex couples who were married legally outside the State must be treated as married people for the purposes of NYS Insurance Law-this includes health insurance.  In other words, an health insurance company cannot deny health insurance or other coverage to gay […]

Do Nothing, Get Nothing

Posted November, 20 2008 by arianne

A report by The New American Foundation “The Cost of Doing Nothing: Why Failing to Fix Our Health System is Greater than the Cost of Reform” states that despite the meltdown of the financial services, the time to enact health reform is now. Health reform is not only a moral imperative, but an economic necessity.  This […]

Court Tosses NJ's Challenge to Bush's Strict Children's Health Insurance Rule

Posted November, 18 2008 by arianne

In a tough opinion, New Jersey’s federal District Court Judge Pisano tossed out New Jersey’s challenge to the Bush Administration’s letter ruling, issued on August 17, 2007, that limited the State’s Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The Court agreed with the Bush Administration’s arguments that the case was not yet ripe for for judicial review […]

Community Service Society Election Eve Poll Results

Posted November, 13 2008 by arianne

On November 3-4, 2008, the Community Service Society (“CSS”)–a HCFANY member–conducted a nation-wide election night poll of 1,200 voters. The majority of voters said that the most important thing when electing a new President is the economy and jobs. This issue was overwhelmingly tied to rising health care costs. Voters said that making quality health […]