It’s Still Open Enrollment: Get Covered for 2017

Posted November, 30 2016 by Amanda Dunker

A lot of people are worried about their coverage options right now, but the first thing to know is that it is still Open Enrollment for the Marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act. Anyone who is uninsured or needs to renew should go ahead and get coverage set up for 2017. If you are re-enrolling […]

HCFANY Supports the ACA

Posted November, 9 2016 by Taylor Frazier

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 20 million Americans have enrolled in health insurance, and the uninsured rate has sunk to the lowest level on record. In New York, our ACA marketplace, the New York State of Health, has enrolled more than 2.8 million New Yorkers into high quality affordable coverage. New York’s uninsurance rate […]

Open Enrollment is HERE!

Posted November, 1 2016 by Taylor Frazier

Today, November 1, is the first day of open enrollment on the NY State of Health (NYSOH) Marketplace. New Yorkers can now enroll in coverage for the first time or renew their coverage by visiting NYSOH here. Since the first open enrollment period in 2013, more than 2.8 million New Yorkers have signed up for […]

Making Sense of Delivery System Reform

Posted September, 21 2016 by Taylor Frazier

The Affordable Care Act made a lot of changes – and improvements – to health insurance. But it was also meant to encourage changes in how health care is delivered – the care you get at the hospital, doctor’s office, pharmacy, and other places where people get health care. Many people have frustrating experiences with health […]