Essential health benefits, for NY.

Posted February, 27 2012 by arianne

You may remember some talk about “essential health benefits” (EHBs) under the ACA back in October when the Institute of Medecine released its recommendationsto the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).   At that point, it was still unclear what HHS was going to come back with. Well, in December HHS released a bulletin outlining what it […]

Getting friends with benefits is now as easy as 1-2-3!

Posted February, 23 2012 by arianne

Made you blush? Good.  That’s the idea behind the Young Invincibles‘ attention-getting “Friends with Benefits” headline, which marked the release of a new toolkit designed to help young adults get informed about health insurance coverage and benefits. The new toolkit is available at www.gettingcovered.org and allows folks to download a series of one-pagers on different topics that […]

Hospital financial assistance woes make waves

Posted February, 22 2012 by arianne

Earlier this month, we covered a new report on hospital financial assistance released by the Community Service Society.  This report has been making waves since its release, so anyone who is interested in learning more on the topic now has a few more options to do so. Elisabeth Benjamin, one of the report’s authors, recently appeared on Democracy Now! with […]

Life for NY’s health insurers just got a little more interesting

Posted February, 15 2012 by arianne

It’s getting to be that time of the year again, and we all dread to hear those three little words…”You’re being audited.” [cue scary Psycho knife sound] Thankfully, it’s not consumers who have to worry this time – its our health insurers.  The Department of Financial Services (DOFS) announced today that it will soon start performing random audits […]